Test Crossword
1) ready to do favors, helpfull, friendly2) very careful, to avoid danger3) to shake or tremble6) to thin down or weaken the water8) suitable,proper9) sad or gloomy10) to push aside or crowd against12) reffering to an enemy15) a confused, blurry state of mind16) to run quickly,to hurry17) lazy, careless, good for nothing18) a lack of courage, shyness21) a natural ability, talent, or tendency22) to bewilder or puzzle24) a place where one can find shelter{animal shelter,a part of the church}26) to, think, talk, or wright about one's exxperiences27) to happen or come in between28) srtong and solid31) to make someone or something seem small or unimortant35) a feeling of sorrow or pity for another37) intelligent39) to excite or disturb41) enjoment, anything that adds pleasure or interests44) enough or more than enough47) neither good or bad, ordinary56) to call for or to send for ; to gather |
4) showing no interest in what is going on5) cheatin.dishonest,lying, acting like another person7) to become hot ,dry , or thirsty11) to continue to say, usually because of being unwilling to leave13) sticking to one's opinions 14) a loud continuing noise or to cry out loudly19) all of ones persons ancestors20) something that is passed down by ancestry23) to beam, glow, flash25) having or using two languages29) devoted to and to gain knowledge30) a person who overeats32) possible but not yet actual33) sick weak person who can not get around34) a person who is running away, usually one trying to escape captured by law35) a series of events that occur in order36) to disturb, worry, or trouble38) noble,grand, dignified40) gloomy,sad, or dull42) that cannot be thought of, imagined, or believed43) babyhood45) to stop and stubbornly refuse to move or act46) to say the statement is not true48) to work with hands 49) a place where one lives50) to avoid completely, to keep away from51) strong, eager or grest ethusiasm52) to copy or imitate to make fun of53) warm and friendly54) to see, hear, taste, smell,or feel: to be aware of55) not understandable57) understandalbe, clear58) to shine in unsteady manner:to gleam faintly59) to be destroyed, ruined, or wiped out:to die |