Lesson 11 Crossword
Down: 1) To take away a part, as from quality, value, or reputation To draw away or divert; distract: to detract another's attention from more important issues 2) In mathematics: the operation or process of finding the difference between two numbers or quantities, denoted by a minus sign (−). To take away something or a part, as from a whole. 3) To build again, to make over. 5) Tearing down; likely to discourage, ruin , destroy, put an end to. 6) The arrangement of the parts of a whole. Something built, constructed, organized. 7) To take back or withdraw To draw back or in 8) The act or practice of instructing or teaching; education. Knowledge or information imparted. An item of such knowledge or information. Usually, instructions. orders or directions The act of furnishing with authoritative directions. 11) A shortening of two words, such as isn’t for “is not” The thickened and hardening of a muscle in action 15) The power to grip or hold to a surface A pulling on part of the body to help healing 18) To change, alter, or restore the structure of: to restructure a broken nose. To effect a fundamental change in (as an organization or system). To recombine (bits of inexpensive meats), especially by mechanical means, into simulated steaks, fillets, etc. Across: 4) The part of a building or construction entirely above its foundation or basement. Any structure built on something else. The overlying framework or features of an organization, institution, or system, built or superimposed on a more fundamental base. Nautical: any construction built above the main deck of a vessel as an upward continuation of the sides. The part of a bridge that rests on the piers and abutments. 5) The act of distracting. The state of being distracted. Mental distress or derangement: That game will drive me to distraction. That which distracts, divides the attention, or prevents concentration: The distractions of the city interfere with my studies. That which amuses, entertains, or diverts; amusement; entertainment: Fishing is his major distraction. 8) To furnish with knowledge, especially by a systematic method; teach; train; educate. To furnish with orders or directions; direct; order; command: The doctor instructed me to diet. To furnish with information; inform; apprise. Law . (of a judge) to guide (a jury) by outlining the legal principles involved in the case under consideration. 9) A powerful motor-driven vehicle with large, heavy treads, used for pulling farm machinery, other vehicles, etc. Also called truck tractor: a short truck with a driver's cab but no body, designed for hauling a trailer or semitrailer. Something used for drawing or pulling 10) To block or close up with an obstacle; make difficult to pass: Debris obstructed the road. To interrupt, hinder, or oppose the passage, progress, course, etc., of. To block from sight; to be in the way of (a view, passage, etc.). 12) A semicircle device for drawing and measuring angles 13) The act of putting something together in an organized way; building 14) To withdraw or take away, as a part from a whole. In Mathematics- to take (one number or quantity) from another; deduct. To take away something or a part, as from a whole 16)  To build or form by putting together parts; frame; devise. In geometry- to draw (a figure) fulfilling certain given conditions. Noun: Something constructed. An image, idea, or theory, especially a complex one formed from a number of simpler elements. 17) Not easily controlled or directed; not docile or manageable; stubborn; obstinate: an intractable disposition. (Of things) hard to shape or work with: an intractable metal. Hard to treat, relieve, or cure: the intractable pain in his leg 19) To pull out or remove by force To draw out by processing A concentrated form of substance


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