SammyJukes9RED test Crossword
Down: 1) A 'Hertz' is another word for 'cycles per second'. It is a measure of frequency and computer clock speed. 'Giga' is the metric term for one thousand million.2) A computer programming term. 'To parse' means to make sense of something.3) The name given to 4 bits or half a byte.4) This is a display technology designed to mimic paper.7) When information is created to make an output.8) ICT stands for 'Information and Communication Technology'. Across: 5) Animation is where a series of still images are linked together as part of a timed sequence. This makes the image appear to move.6) The processor is the part of the computer which processes or deals with the data and processes in the system.8) Information type put into the computer to process and create an output.9) The thermistor is designed to measure temperature. It works because its electrical resistance changes with temperature.


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