Midterm for euro Crossword
Down: 2) bohemian period, danish period, swedish period, french period3) adopted a policy of religious compromise during her reign but firmly established a protestant nation5) informal social gathering at which writers, artists, and philosphers exchanged enlightenment ideas8) wrote the wealth of nations does not control everything9) uprising in france in the time of louis XIV took throne as child, revolt against royal power11) called bloody mary because she slaughters many protestant; catholic queen12) forces of the nobles13) was brought back to england after being in exile14) commander of the imperial armies he recovered Bohemia17) a tax levied on the common people by the king18) people feared he would restore the roman catholic church to england19) catholics want her on the throne instead of elizabeth and she is put on house arrest22) th overthrow of james II by william and mary24) forces of parliement27) an italian poet wrote the prince combined personal experience29) effort to fix church, no marriages, no lavish lifestyle, all have to be educated and few indulgences30) age of enlightenment all the philosphes make pamphlets a huge amount of people are literate33) but versailles "the sun king" ruled for 72 years34) observed the movement of the planets and published the laws of planetary motion in 160937) developed calculus and new app. for mathematics as well a theory of universal gravitation39) the permission given by the spanish gov to other countries to sell people as slaves to spanish colonise49) pope during the reaissance and maintained a lavish lifestyle Across: 1) greatly improved the quality and quantity of farm products; new people inventing new things to push4) a court populated by powerful nobles who get involved with policies6) henrys son; appointed Cardinal Richehieu7) demonstrated that blood flows in a mcirculatory motion with the heart acting as the pump using dissections10) creates new church13) Anglican church that kept most catholic forms of worship15) was fought between sweden's Charles XII and russias Peter the great16) german, triggered protestant revolution, excommunicated and HRE declared him and outlaw18) first stuart to rule england; son of mary queen of scots20) archbishop of cantebury who tried to impose the anglican prayer book on scotland with charles21) founder of Zuingliism, was founded in Zurich23) written by Martin Luther to Johann Tetzel (he sold indulgences)25) paid pardons for sins of the living and the dead26) improved the telescope, dicovered the moons of jupiter and the phases of venus, among other astronomical obervations28) the idea of a blank slate we create own own destiny31) member of a group of enlightenment thinker who tried to apply the methods of science to the improvement of society32) austria dynasty empire, head of the house of hapsburgs was usually the ruler of the HRE34) preached predestination and theocracy, created Calvinism, had a profound effect on protestant35) believed in self-rule; social contract36) leader of the roundheads who was a skilled general; organized new model army38) England40) buy of church offices41) france42) old order old way of doing things43) policy by which a nation sought to export more than it imported in order to build its supply of gold and silver44) proposed to elizabeth because he wants to be king of england and spain45) rome was destroyed by Charles V troops46) member to apsburg familym supporter of catholc cause47) argued the heliocentric theory of the solar system48) England50) freedom, liberty, equality, change, reform, period of new thinking against old ways 1700s51) for political reasons, wanted to end papal authority over the english church52) battle between russia and sweden over control of the baltic sea53) written by adam smith free market


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