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Ch8 Crossword
1) an influential virginain that refused to ratify the cons. until a bor was added
2) virginian that played a major role in the constitutional convention by helping createed the virginia plan
4) a serries of essays defending and explaning cons
6) meeting held in 1787 to consider changes to the articles of confederation which eventually resulted in the dreafting of the constitution
7) person who opposed ratify of constitution
9) cons. con. agreement to count 3/5 of a stares slaves a population for the purpose of reprsentation and taxation
10) a system of gvt. where power is shared among the central or federal gvt. and the states
14) plan brought out during the cons. conv. that proposed a gvt. with a one house legislature in which each state would have on wote
16) a gvt. in which people elect res to govern for them
3) territory covered by the land ord. of 1785 that was sectioned off into townships a nd included land that formed...
5) this described gow the nw territory was to be governed and set conditions for seetlement and settleres rights
8) con. conv. agreement to establish a two house national legislature, with all states having equAL repres. in one house and each stare having repres. based on pop. in other
11) trail into kentucky that woodsman daniel boone helped to burild
12) document approved by states in 1781 that outlinged the form of gvt. of the new us
13) supporter of con.
15) a plan that proposed a gvt. with three branches and a two house legislature in which representation would be based on a state's population or wealth
17) uprising of debt ridden mass. farmers in 1787
18) fist ten amendment to us con. added in 1791 formal list of rights and freedoms
19) law that established a plan for surveying and selling the federally owned lands west of the app. mounts
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