Endocrine System-Anatomy Crossword
1) adrenal glands4) excessive, above normal5) thyroid gland7) poison8) to stimulate9) many, much10) secrete13) Increases the blood glucose level15) thirst16) good, normal17) male20) sugar21) urine22) calcium24) thyroid gland29) sodium31) outside, outward |
2) forming, producing, origin3) thymas gland6) same, alike9) parathyroid glands11) extremity12) under, below13) sugar, sweetness14) gonads18) Removes sugar (glucose) from the blood19) sugar, sweetness23) pancreas25) potassium26) growth, development27) Chemical substances produced by specialized cells of the body that are released slowly in minute amounts directly into the bloodstream28) body30) adrenal glands32) poison33) secrete |