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Lit Final Crossword
2) gives non humans charecteristics
3) person, animal, ect, that takes place in the action
4) makes a comparision between two or more things that are simiar in ways but different in others
6) the act of creating a charecter
8) time and place of the action
12) same words, different meanings
14) charecters sudden flash of insight into a conflict or situation
15) refers to authors choice of words
19) lines of poetry
20) an event that occurs that directly contradicts the expectations of the charecter
22) main charecter struggles against outside force
23) descriptive words
27) speech by one person
32) anything that stands for something else
34) combination of words that condradict eachother
35) uses like or as
36) high point of interest
1) figure of speech in which it doesnt use like or as
5) struggle between opposing forces
7) story written to be preformed by actors
9) means by which author presents material that occured earlier in the story
10) real people and stories
11) feeling created by the auther
13) charecter who provides a contrast to another charecter
16) 14 lyric poem
17) prose writing that tells about imaginary charecters and events
18) nothing
21) verse written in 5 foot lines
24) conflict within thereself
25) central messafe
26) main charecter
28) poetry written in unryhmed iambic pentameter lines
29) use of any elment of language
30) use of literary work of clues that suggests events that have yet to occur
31) short speech delivered by a charecter
33) srquence of events in a litery work
37) long speech preformed by a charecter alone on stage
38) reference to a well known person, place, ect.
39) literary techniques that portray differences between appearence and reality
40) brief work of fiction
41) writers attitude toward the audience and subject
42) contradictin between wat a charecter thinks and what the reader knows
43) a charecter or force in conflict with the main charecter
44) a type of lit
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