Mid-Year Exam Vocab Crossword
1) anger, offense, resentment2) extraordinary, grand in scope5) to hate, loathe7) to exclude from a community8) conflict11) to strenghten12) one who settles controversy14) old-fashioned16) kind, good, caring17) lucky, occurring by chance18) excessively bold19) harsh, cold, unfeeling26) a newborn baby27) to invent, make-up, concoct30) to meet needs32) accusation of wrongdoing33) abrupt, short, brief34) having contradictory feelings36) to criticize, to scold42) to frolic, leap, prance |
3) to hold oneself back, forbear4) to urge, to provoke into action6) required, not optional9) to restore, return to original state10) unvarying, conforming to one principle13) to demolish15) an outcast20) to urge, coax21) talkative22) an interruption in continuity; a break23) a disastrous event, or a work of art in which the hero meets a terrible fate24) inborn, native, inherent25) a ranking system of groups or individuals28) to improve, make better29) without shape or borders31) a summary35) exaggeratedly emotional or sentimental37) a state of constant change or a flow38) excessively bold, brash39) impulsive, unpredictable, subject to whim40) the experience of another's feelings as one's own41) to take zestful pleasure in, enjoy the flavor of43) to scold severely44) to show clearly45) sluggish, weary, apathetic46) to calm, soothe47) one whose primary pursuit is pleasure48) harmful, toxic |