Lesson 7 Crossword
2) Stiff and unbending, not flexible.3) To crowd together.4) Far away in time or space. Slight or faint.7) To make up for, to pay for.10) Being alone, lacking the company of others.12) To walk with short steps. Swaying from side to side. |
1) Rough and unpleasant to the senses. Causing pain, cruel.5) Having little strength, weak.6) Very cold. Lacking a warm manner, unfriendly.7) A group of people, animals or plants living close together.8) To be like or similar to.9) To attract, to strongly hold the interest of.11) Strong, solid. Great in value or size.13) To put money into a bank account. To lay down.14) Following the rules or customs, often in an exact and proper way. |