Vocab Power Plus Lessons 1-10 Crossword
Down: 1) force by using pressure3) sociable5) insincerely polite6) feeling regret for having committed some wrongdoing7) to summon forth9) to confine10) stern, severe, plain11) easy to teach or manage12) to discard, to cast overboard15) the climax16) excessively eager to deliver unasked for or unwanted help18) complete disorder19) the work one is especially suited for an occupation22) intentional deceit in speech or conduct24) scholarly25) lacking in self confidence, shy27) professed but not neccessarily true28) extremely poor32) inequality, difference34) a slight subtle degree of difference35) being of many colors37) having opposing attitudes or feelings towards a person38) careless neglect39) outspoken; blunt40) not easily understood41) to rise and fall42) a hated, repellant person or thing45) an expert in matters of culture, food, or wine46) to erase or eliminate47) a leader who appeals to citizens emotions to obtain power48) quiet and modest49) reasonable50) to calm56) inessential, not constituting a vital part57) enhance61) easily angered62) firm in opinion63) prejudiced hostile64) a choice between two unpleasant or difficult options66) to strive to be equal to68) to criticize or punish severely73) greed; desire for wealth75) a mystery Across: 2) lack of energy4) to clarify6) belief or trust8) numerous13) someone who chooses to live outside of his or her native country14) ill-natured17) arrogant and stubborn about ones (often unproven) beliefs19) noble; generous in forgiving20) lacking social graces, tactless21) to turn over or deliver to the legal jurisdiction of another government or authority23) a crude dummy or image representing a hated person26) a alcoholic drink29) percise30) extreme, chauvinistic patriotism31) a foolish disregard of danger33) public shame36) disguised43) having unlimited44) wild and drunken51) professional soldier hired by a foreign army52) one who is outgoing53) the crime of holding a belief that goes against an established doctrine54) without fear, brave55) without sense or meaning58) to tell; to reveal59) having self confident air60) to annoy or harass61) fautless65) merciful, lenient67) one who merely dabbles in an art or a science68) to work with another toward a goal69) stealthy; secretive70) hatefully, or shockingly evil71) extreme hatred or ill will72) unrelenting, unavoidable74) to forgive or overlook75) extremely thin76) doubtful77) strong defense or fort78) to state clearly and distinctly79) conformity to accepted standards of conduct80) to enlarge81) harsh sounding82) lacking flavor, dull83) to banish84) a complete failure85) to praise highly


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