Act 4 and 5 vocab Crossword
1) a lover2) to read or examine thoroughly or carefully4) causeing hatred, disgust, repulsive6) arrougently superioer and distainful7) engaged to be married9) morally offensive, unclean, distasteful, or disagreeable11) affected with or marked by depression of the spirits12) one who prepares and sells drugs or compunds for medical purposes13) to reduce, to make less14) to overwhelm or cover, especially with floodwaters16) attended by favororable circumstances, promising success18) tiresome because of length or dullness20) depressing, dreary21) to develope pus, rot |
3) deplorsbly bad; unfortunate, regrettable5) a small container, typically cylindrical and made of glass, used esp. for holding liquid medicines8) in music a funeral hymn or lament10) loving12) hate, detest, loathe15) a small remaining quantity of something17) deeply worried, tense, or bewildered19) uncertainty, or inexactness of meaning in language22) to decive or trick23) burial cloth or clothing |