History vocab Crossword
Down: 1) won the election of 1824; even though he had few electoral votes then Jackson he still won because the House of Representatives picked J.Q. Adams2) former slave; lead a black uprising in Charleston, SC3) Indian chief; came up with the alaphabet4) new party; used to be natiol Republicans but then changed their name6) Oaklahoma7) Indians died marching to Oaklahoma8) it was how they nominated canidadtes (at conventions); was used until the invention of primary elections11) lead a slave rebellion in 1832; there were both white men and black men killed12) Indian Chief; tried to fight the government but lost15) vice president of Jackson; from South Carolina; opposed the tariff16) Jackson's secretary of the treasury17) was not a good tariff; it was a high tariff and people thoought it would be a low tariff18) wife of one of Jackson's cabinet members; Jackson's other cabinet members wives didn't like her Across: 5) Senator from SC; opposed the tariff9) general; rounded up the indians and moved them to Oaklahoma; died on the trail of tears while trying to move the indians10) case taken to the supreme court; supreme court (john marshall) ruled that the Indianshad the right to stay in Georgia but Jackson didn't enforce that rule and lead them to Oaklahoma anyways13) Jackson and other presidents will give jobs out to people that helped and supported them (if they won the election)14) Since the cabinet members weren't showing up to the meetings, Jackson friends started coming and discussing the world problems in the White House kitchen19) Indians that were moved from Georgia to Oaklahoma (Trail of Tears)20) only had one major achievment which was making a 10hr. work day for all federal employees ; was after Jackson21) (same as Black Hawk) was an Indian Chief trying to fight the government but lost


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