Vocab Test #5 Crossword
Down: 1) a distinguishing mark or feature, stamp; sign of approval; superior status, prestige; something that holds ill-tasting medicine2) to polish by friction, make smooth and bright; a gloss, brightness or luster3) a group of qualified personnel who train new units; a framework, outline or scheme4) a heap of stones set up as a landmark, monument, etc.5) to bear, suffer, tolerate6) capable of holding much, spacious, roomy7) a camp where men are trained for the military; winter quarters of an army9) disagreeable to deal with, peevish, contentious, quarrelsome10) cautious, wary or shrewd11) a churlish, rude or unmannerly person; a country bumpkin, peasant13) a standing rule governing the regulation of a corporation's or society's internal affairs14) the main force of an impact15) any protection from external danger or annoyance (usually made from earth); someone who gives encouragement16) to grow or develop quickly, flourish; to begin to grow, as a flower or leaf bud Across: 2) of or pertaining to shepherds, pastoral; of or pertaining to an idyllic rural life5) a circular sofa having a conical or cylindrical back piece at the center; past participle of bear6) subject to, led by or indicative of a caprice or whim, erratic; fanciful or witty8) a narrow passageway; an impeding stage in a process12) insincere expressions of enthusiasm; lexicon peculiar to a particular class, party, etc.; whining or singsong speech; a slanted line or position; hearty, merry; to throw with a sudden jerk; to speak hypocritically13) a bookmaker (for betting)17) a false and malicious statement designed to injure a reputation18) to add, support or uphold (usually with a pillow); a pillow used to bolster19) to deceive or attempt to deceive; work of little or no value done only to appear busy, an easy-to-make manual project20) abrupt in manner, rough, blunt


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