Wordly Wise Book 9 Lesson 11 Crossword
Down: 1)  A feature that attracts or increases value2)  To form a mental picture of, to visualize in one's mind3)  to rot; putrefy4)  to replace in power, authority, effectiveness, acceptance, use, etc., as by another person or thing.7)  falsehood, error9) having holes, penetrable11)  exude, emit Across: 1)  unenthusiastic, indisposed5)  Perceived by touch or capable of being touched6)  uproar, hysteria8) lack, shortage10)  To make payment for12) satisfied, content13)  a poem or prose composition, usually describing pastoral scenes or events or any charmingly simple episode, appealing incident, or the like.14)  witty, kidding


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