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VocabTest.com Material
Based on Words From:
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2) Vocabulary Power Plus®
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3) Wordly Wise 3000®
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Wordly Wise Book 11 Lesson 18 Crossword
2) To support with proof or evidence; verify
3) advertise, proclaim
4) veto, ban
5) The set standard by which one determines judgment or conclusion; A rule for evaluation
7) duplicity, insincerity
8) Likely to happen soon; Threatening; About to occur
10) NOT injure
12) rule, administration
1) To support or adopt as one's own
6) revenge, reprisal
9) appropriate, fitting
11) NOT glad
13) To laugh at with scorn; To ridicule
14) Shameless boldness or audacity
15) angered, aggravated
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