Vocabulary Workshop Level F Unit 8 Crossword
1) To disperse or disappear2) Very fat; Obese4) Easily nauseated or sickened5) submissive, compliant6) To remove erroneous, vulgar, obscene, or otherwise objectionable material from a text7) Panic, confusion9) NOT civil10) impressionable, affected11) degraded, unworthy14) sluggish, slow17) An onslaught or attack from all sides; A protective glove from medieval times20) hatred, disgrace |
3) Difference of opinion or feeling; Disagreement8) Contributing to an end, beneficial12) To assign or remove, usually to an inferior or lower position13) Excessive use, especially with alcoholic beverages; Lack of self-control15) Based on a theory, assumption or guess16) repudiate, deny18) Unaffected by strong emotion or prejudice19) To call into question; To challenge as false21) NOT faithfulness |