Vocabulary Workshop Level C Unit 1 Crossword
Down: 1)  saying, maxim2)  mandate, ruling3)  To push past; To elbow or bump against someone roughly5)  Very submissive, like a slave7)  A period of staying awake at night to keep watch or pray8) NOT disapproval11)  Not harmonious; harsh sounding13)  Broken stone fragments; Crumbled remains of stone14) discourteous, crude16)  couch potato, lazy person18)  linger, hang Across: 4)  To feel about blindly, to reach about with uncertainty6)  part, extract9) NOT regress10)  fortification, stronghold12)  to prevent the occurrence of; to make impossible; to exclude from something15)  To work together, esp. in literary artistic or scientific undertaking17)  argue, quarrel19) gold mine, windfall20) about-face, return


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