Grade 6 Unit 8 Crossword
1) Stretched tight2) Something that separates or divides two or more things; To divide into smaller parts or portions3) The state of having a lot of money; Wealth4) Merry, joyful and friendly6) tumble, plunge7) NOT sociable8) chain, restrain11) impenetrable, blocked12) frightening, ominous17) Pertaining to war or military operations; Warlike |
5) layout, arrangement8) The least quantity or amount possible, assignable or allowable; Lowest, smallest possible9) Money that is still owed and should have been paid already10) novelty, modernization13) To shrink back or hide in fear; To flinch or cower14) Likely to go bad or spoil quickly15) The beginning or start of a journey or an attack16) stationary, fixed18) To regain or recover19) Light and quick in motion or action |