Grade 8 Unit 3 Crossword
1) bind, fasten2) immeasurable, countless3) A point of view from which different things are perceived4) To encourage someone to do something, usually bad; To bring about or start6) Of great size and power7) Willing to take bold and reckless risks8) Long life, long existence or service11) To gather together or accumulate13) NOT assist15) Deliberate and done on purpose; Unreasonably stubborn or headstrong19) distribute, divvy |
3) To trouble; To make anxious; To upset5) Closely related to the matter at hand9) harmony, agreement10) weaken, cripple12) A superior group of people; Representing the best, superior14) Entirely lacking or free from16) Excitable or easily scared;17) submit, obey18) wrestle, confront |