Grade 6 Unit 10 Crossword
1) The act or practice of making blunders; Not skillful in physical movement, clumsy3) Having no legal or binding force; Invalid4) skillful, ingenious7) Detestable and loathsome; Very bad or unpleasant8) A beginning or introductory step; An opening move9) result, effect10) trick, hoodwink13) To make clean, bright, or fresh again; To renovate18) immerse, encompass19) snoop, meddle |
2) counter, thwart5) Always right or accurate; Flawless or infallible6) overview, vista11) individualist, bohemian12) specify, define14) A portion of money or food given in charity; To give out in small portions15) Rigidly precise or exact; Severe, harsh or strict16) NOT preceding17) keepsake, token19) All future generations of people; Descendants |