Freshman Unit 1 Crossword
1) seize, confiscate2) Property saved from a shipwreck, fire, etc.; To save from a shipwreck, fire, etc.3) Convulsive4) remains, rubble5) long-winded, wordy9) prejudiced, narrow-minded11) unrestrained, uninhibited12) burdensome, awkward14) abandon, resign16) A state in which progress is impossible, a standstill; To bring or come into a standstill |
2) Not genuine6) One who lives by robbery and plunder7) To warn of a fault, lightly scold8) A confused or disordered condition, a mess; To mix up in a confused or bungling manner10) Cautious; prudent; wary; careful13) An opening, tear, or rupture.; A violation of a law or promise; To make a hole or gap in, to break through15) To make someone inclined to something in advance; To make susceptible17) A plant that lasts for several years; Lasting a very long time, enduring18) A situation in which a choice between opposing modes of conduct is necessary19) wipe out, eradicate |