Vocabulary Workshop Level F Unit 8 Crossword
Down: 1) NOT gather2)  Very fat; Obese4)  Easily nauseated or sickened5)  Acting subordinate to another; Submissive6) clean up, bowdlerize7)  anxiety, distress9)  Full of bitterness10)  impressionable, exposed11)  Not noble14)  Sluggish, unresponsive; Dull17)  An onslaught or attack from all sides; A protective glove from medieval times20)  A feeling of extreme repugnance, or of dislike and disgust; Intense hatred Across: 3) NOT approval8)  Contributing to an end, beneficial12)  To assign or remove, usually to an inferior or lower position13)  overkill, immoderate15)  imaginary, presumptive16)  repudiate, deny18)  Unaffected by strong emotion or prejudice19) criticize, question21)  Faithlessness; Treachery


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