Vocabulary Workshop Level F Unit 2 Crossword
Down: 1)  To cause to happen early or prematurely; Moving along rapidly without careful attention2)  Pompous in speech or writing4)  advancement, growth5)  To make or grow better6) NOT imported7) NOT stay away9)  Immature, inexperienced11)  officially, by virtue12)  State of weariness, diminished energy, or listlessness13)  To spread or diffuse through18)  To urge by strong, argument, admonition, or advice Across: 3)  An idea or opinion that lacks proof, a conjecture5)  composure, cool8)  charm, flatter10)  One that interferes with the affairs of others, often for selfish reasons; a meddler14)  Foolish talk or thinking, nonsense; To utter foolish talk or nonsense15)  stern, strict16)  To attack with harsh criticism17) supernatural, mystical18)  A simplified representation, a summary


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